Don't Ask Me What I Think Of Your Site
I don't ask a professional there opinion and not like the response. Especially after using the words "be honest with me." <shakes head> Recently when asked for "quick peek" at an associates site he got more than he bargained for:
Home Page:
- Lots of stacked logos - check
- Inconsistent graphical sizing of all images - check
- Make links to both underlined and non-underlined hypertext functional; for a more exploratory feel I would assume or just to play mindgames with your UI - check
- Italicize whenever the mood should strike - check
- Flagrant disregard for rounded vs. angular compartmentalization - check
- Five disconnected CSS font styles - check
- Awesome selection of metaphor based stock photography - check
- Your design company logo to dwarf footer and client logo - check
The awesomeness here is almost unrestrainable.
From this point forward there apparently was no need to discuss the sub-pages.