Stop Selling Your Agenda & Sales Will Follow

If I was in a cartoon right now, steam would be hissing out of my ears while they blast like the “quitting time” whistle at a quarry. Because before sitting down to write this, I had a heated discussion with a colleague about how a client "envisions" handling website transactions. 

The model proposed by this client is contradictory to the industry standard, and we immediately cited a half dozen million-dollar-generating websites (maybe billion in some cases) that all do it the same way.

Dear Business, Client, Brand, Message or Product:

I realize you spent countless amounts of money completing your business model. I hear your passion for what you do, and I see your tireless efforts to make the very best "thing" you can. 

It’s upsetting when that thing is not flying off the shelf, getting downloaded like porn and enjoying the brand saturation of a honey badger. But guess what the problem most likely is? You.

  • Stop assuming you know what the customer wants. That's reserved for Apple.
  • Stop assuming you know why the customer wants to buy it.
  • Start testing everything you produce. Yes you need to test the product, service or message. Drink your Kool-Aid. No – not with your old college friends and golfing buddies. With the people you want to be your customers.
  • Measure and optimize every dollar you spend on marketing until it's running like a top that was lubed in Mobile-1. Then measure and optimize some more.
  • Stop blaming the marketplace, lack of awareness and the consumer.
  • Stop listening to your co-workers and listen to your marketplace.
  • Yes, it's your fault. Shut up. Can your ego. Test it. Sell it. Test it again. Collect Winnings.

This Just In: I Was Right!


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