The Demi-Phone Attacks With First Blood

No surprise here but Google's new phone the Nexus One has made a cooperative with Adode to run flash. While this is not a death-blow to the iPhone it's probably the catalyst they were waiting for to make the deal actually happen.

So riddle me this. Years, ago in 2008 Apple releases the SDK to the developmental masses to sink their teeth into and get the 'App Revo' started.

"On October 17, 2007, in an open letter posted to Apple's "Hot News" weblog, Steve Jobs announced that a software development kit (SDK) would be made available to third-party developers in February 2008.The SDK was released on March 6, 2008, and allows developers to make applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch, as well as test them in an "iPhone simulator". However, loading an application onto the devices is only possible after paying an iPhone Developer Program fee. Since the release of Xcode 3.1, Xcode is the development environment for the iPhone SDK. iPhone applications, like iPhone OS and Mac OS X, are written in Objective-C." ~ wikipedia

We've been waiting for flash ever since. But it occurred to me many moons ago that with application revolution spreading like wild-fire that having flash as a developmental tool could supersede to applicational progress. I know, sometimes I'm slow on the uptake. Nevertheless, my question still remains – Will Apple impede Flash for the iPhone knowing that it [might] take a significant beating in application sales? And when it will open the door for wickedly talented flash developers to exploit the marketplace? Now I'm also not so slow as to think they said flash guru won't want to get paid, but it would level the playing field to an extreme. Thoughts?

A little mobile taste of things to come:


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