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Suffering Staff "How to" For Surviving Agency Toxicity (Part Two)

Progressively changing role responsibilities:

When job responsibilities are constantly changing, it can create a toxic work environment as employees may feel uncertain about what is expected of them, leading to stress and anxiety.

Tactic: Request for regular feedback and communication with your supervisor about any changes in responsibilities. Try to clarify expectations and ask for additional resources if necessary.

Assuming you know what to do for any given situation:

This attitude can create a culture where employees are not encouraged to ask questions, leading to a lack of communication, misunderstandings, and mistakes.

Tactic: If you are uncertain about how to approach a situation, ask questions and seek feedback from colleagues and management. Emphasize the importance of clear communication in the workplace.

Alternative Tactic: Instead of imposing new responsibilities without warning, collaborate with employees to set goals and expectations. Provide support and resources to help them develop the skills they need to succeed and actively participate in nurturing comradery and ongoing communication.

Allowing clients to manage schedules by imposing unwarranted “rush” jobs:

This can create a stressful environment where employees may feel pressured to work long hours or weekends, leading to burnout and decreased productivity.

Tactic: Set clear expectations with clients about turnaround times and manage expectations. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and complexity, and establish reasonable timelines for completion.

Presuming how long production timelines are:

Assuming timelines can lead to overpromising and underdelivering, which can create frustration for both employees and clients.

Tactic: Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the scope of a project and the time required for completion. Communicate realistic timelines to clients and stakeholders, and manage expectations accordingly.

Not having an actual approval management process:

Without a clear approval process, there can be confusion and miscommunication about which decisions have been made, leading to delays and frustration.

Tactic: Establish a clear approval process that includes all relevant stakeholders. Clearly communicate the process and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Tasking unassociated department staff “sit in’s” as representation:

Having unassociated staff members represent your department can create confusion and misunderstandings about what your team does and how it operates.

Tactic: Request that representatives from your department are properly trained and familiar with your processes and procedures. Ensure that they are knowledgeable about the issues and concerns of your team.

Lacking consideration of someone's working schedule:

Ignoring or disregarding an employee's schedule can create feelings of resentment and lack of work-life balance.

Tactic: Prioritize work-life balance by respecting schedules and making accommodations when necessary. Encourage open communication with employees and be flexible when possible.

Account services and leadership lacking the confidence to establish client boundaries:

When leadership is unable or unwilling to set clear boundaries with clients, it can create an environment where employees are expected to do whatever it takes to keep clients happy, regardless of the impact on their own workload and well-being.

Tactic: Establish clear boundaries and expectations with clients. Encourage leadership to prioritize employee well-being and advocate for clear and respectful communication.

No raises, but lots of unwarranted performance reviews:

When performance reviews are not tied to meaningful compensation increases, they can feel like a hollow exercise that creates feelings of resentment and frustration.

Tactic: Advocate for meaningful compensation increases that are tied to performance reviews. Encourage open communication with leadership and ask for transparent feedback and recognition.

No onboarding process for staff:

Without a proper onboarding process, new employees may feel disconnected and unsure of their role and responsibilities.

Tactic: Establish a clear onboarding process that includes training, feedback, and regular check-ins. Provide opportunities for new employees to ask questions and connect with colleagues.

Creating a sense that you should know how everything works:

Expecting employees to know everything can create a culture of fear and uncertainty, leading to a lack of communication and collaboration.

Tactic: Encourage open communication and collaboration. Emphasize the importance of asking questions and seeking feedback, and avoid punishing employees for not knowing everything. Create a culture of continuous learning and growth.

No continuing education:

Without opportunities for learning and growth, employees may feel stagnant and unmotivated, leading to a toxic work environment.

Tactic: Encourage and support continuing education and professional development. Provide opportunities for employees to attend workshops, conferences, and training sessions.


When favoritism is shown to family members or friends, it can create feelings of resentment and unfairness among other employees.

Tactic: Encourage transparency and fairness in hiring and promotion processes. Establish clear criteria for job qualifications and evaluate all candidates objectively.


When employees feel pressured to always be working and are not given sufficient breaks, it can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

Tactic: Encourage work-life balance and establish clear policies on breaks and work hours. Emphasize the importance of rest and taking breaks to improve productivity.

Multiple systems for digital asset management:

When digital assets are scattered across multiple systems, it can lead to confusion and disorganization.

Tactic: Establish a clear system for digital asset management and ensure that all employees are trained on how to use it. Prioritize consistency and accessibility.

Lacking any defined SOP for things such as files, naming conventions, and policies:

Without clear standard operating procedures, employees may feel uncertain about what is expected of them and how to complete tasks.

Tactic: Establish clear standard operating procedures for all processes and tasks. Ensure that employees are trained on these procedures and that they are regularly updated.

Creating a “moving target” of expectation within your role for success:

When expectations are constantly changing, it can create feelings of uncertainty and stress for employees.

Tactic: Establish clear expectations and communicate them regularly. Be open to feedback and adjust expectations as necessary. Avoid sudden changes without clear communication and justification.

Leadership speaking of staff inefficiencies with the same level as the staff in question or without HR inclusion:

When leadership speaks poorly about employees, it can create a toxic work environment and damage morale.

Tactic: Encourage open communication and collaboration between leadership and employees. Address any concerns or issues through proper channels, such as HR or direct feedback. Encourage respectful communication and feedback.


When a manager excessively monitors and controls the work of their subordinates, it can create feelings of frustration and a lack of trust.

Tactic: Encourage autonomy and trust in employees. Provide clear goals and expectations and allow employees to work independently. Be available for support and feedback as needed, but avoid excessive monitoring.


When employees are constantly blamed for mistakes or failures, it can create a culture of fear and defensiveness.

Tactic: Encourage a culture of accountability and learning from mistakes. Avoid blaming individuals and instead focus on identifying and addressing systemic issues. Provide support and resources to help employees improve.

Lack of recognition:

When employees feel undervalued and unrecognized, it can lead to decreased motivation and job satisfaction.

Tactic: Establish a culture of recognition and appreciation. Provide regular feedback and celebrate successes. Acknowledge the contributions of all employees, not just those in leadership positions.

Gossip and negativity:

When employees engage in gossip and negative talk about their colleagues or the company, it can create a toxic work environment and damage morale.

Tactic: Encourage positive and respectful communication. Address any concerns or issues directly with the individuals involved. Set a clear expectation that gossip and negativity are not acceptable.

Bullying and harassment:

When employees experience bullying or harassment, it can lead to a toxic and hostile work environment.

Tactic: Establish clear policies and procedures for addressing bullying and harassment. Encourage employees to report any incidents and take swift action to investigate and address them. Provide support and resources for employees who have experienced bullying or harassment.

Unrealistic deadlines and workload:

When employees are given unrealistic deadlines or an excessive workload, it can lead to stress, burnout, and decreased productivity.

Tactic: Set realistic goals and deadlines. Prioritize tasks and provide support and resources as needed to help employees meet expectations. Be open to feedback and adjust workload as necessary.

Lack of transparency:

When there is a lack of transparency around decision-making or company policies, it can create feelings of distrust and confusion.

Tactic: Foster a culture of transparency and open communication. Share information about company decisions and policies with employees. Encourage feedback and questions. Address any concerns or issues openly and honestly.