Welcome to a creative mind: I’m Justice Mitchell, a Creative Director and marketing specialist passionate about sharing insights into education, marketing, and design to inspire and empower. Through these articles, I aim to educate, inform, and spark ideas that help others grow their skills and understanding. This blog also serves as my portfolio, showcasing my work and approach. I invite you to connect with me here or through my social media channels. I look forward to actively listening to you and continuing our conversations!

Blogging, Education, Interactive, People, Social Media Justice Mitchell Blogging, Education, Interactive, People, Social Media Justice Mitchell

Social Short Order: "Find The Influencers"

Obviously you should pay attention to the number of followers. But more importantly, you're looking for their "true reach." True reach is a metric for those who engage in two-way communication about a trend or an industry. Get a feel for the writer’s “voice.” See if you share the same mindset.
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Blogging, Business, People, Social Media, Technology, Trends Justice Mitchell Blogging, Business, People, Social Media, Technology, Trends Justice Mitchell

Digital Influence Part Two: Influencial DNA

Here's an interesting article debating the likes of #EA and others regarding digital influence: http://adage.com/article/digitalnext/social-media-a-bad-measure-influence/227557/ - while well rounded, I must say to think that #SoMe is the (by no means) not the only measurement. Most current metrics are flawed to begin with as there's no defined standards and regulatory compliance. I practice #SoMe and don't hold nearly the stock in klout and other services as this article seems to portray. What are your thoughts?
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Interactive, Research, Social Media Justice Mitchell Interactive, Research, Social Media Justice Mitchell

Digital Influence Part One: Should I Even Care?

Yesterday I had a great discussion with a client about social, often known as 'digital' influence. Social influence is a huge buzz term within our industry right now, as it seems to be skyrocketing as importance to marketers that are seeking people to purchase and more importantly talk about their affinity with said product to their network of friends, fans and followers. These people are seen as pure platinum.
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