The Blogs I Read From The Internets Brightest Minds
iGoogle –
First let me begin by telling you that I [have] to use an RSS or Feed reader like iGoogle to keep on top of so much data. There's simply not enough time in the day to go and look at each website that I think has value and try to pass these nuggets onto you. Therefore, I would go a look at what RSS feed reader/aggregator makes the most sense to you. Oh, and if you have an iPhone or an iPad, you must use Pulse -- it's a beautiful intuitive aggregator.
Aardvark –
I stumbled on this site after reading what former Google executives were doing with their winnings. I'm what you would call a "helper." I like to help. I think it feeds my co-dependant nature to nurture beyond necessary reason. That being said, Aarvark is a profiled Q&A site. You set up a profile and answer questions and ask questions to people that match your topics. It's fun and fast and you can get or give as much as you would like.
Advertising Age –
This is the part of the awards ceremony that the guy says "and this person needs no introduction"; that holds true with Ad Age as well to members of our business. Ad Age also has an iPhone/iPad app that I would also put my seal of approval on. A great industry overview, very current and topical. Be sure that you get your office to pay for a subscription.Ad Freak –
This website is as fun as it is insightful. A myriad of great writers look to find the most bizarre and innovative advertising and poke fun at it. Frankly, there's so much advertising out there that we never see, so it's nice to see Ad Freak give attention to all sorts of campaigns, not just the larger brands. There's plenty to enjoy here.Advergirl –
Leigh Householder is a Digital Brand Strategist at GSW Worldwide and author of this blog. Householder is incredbily insightful, not simply from an industry perspective but from a female perspective. Her thinking ranges broadly and there's not a post that I haven't learned from. I highly recommend keeping an eye on her content.Brand Freak –
As you would expect, much like AdFreak, BrandFreak does a great job in serving interesting and often humorous perspectives on the world of brand. While not as snarky as AdFreak, it is still great content and should go on your list.Cool Hunting –
Among my many interests are things that I and others find "cool" and thus my preoccupation with cool/trend hunting. Mind you, it's not easy to do in a city like Orlando where Asian men can pull off wearing a hot orange hunting jacket in the middle of summer and every other dude thinks "mandles" are in. With that said I like to see where the trends are actually taking place, not simply taking vacation.Cool Hunter –
See above.Fast Company –
If you're worth your salt, this should be on your list. Fast Company is globally recognized as staying progressive when it comes to the entrepreneurial spirit, among other things. It has also fully embraced the design community and, as a whole, has great information. It, along with soon to be outlined "Inc.," are in a class by themselves of making our world quickly digestible from a business sense.Gizmodo –
To say that I'm into gadgets is like asking Anthony Bourdain if he's into wine. The only real thing that revents me from buying, playing with and testing every cool new gadget that comes out is the lack of funds and the firm understanding that I would be doing it as a single father if I was to choose such a path.Inc. –
As I said above about Fast Company, Inc. is a great magazine with outrageously good content. Admittedly, at times it's a bit more business than I think I savvy, but that's why I read it. It pushes me to think more like a business. I'm sorry to say that the dream of sitting around and coming up with "pretty pictures" is also tied to the ruthless reality that you'd better be prettier than everyone else or you will be assisting janitorial at a truck stop.Jalopnik –
There are many great things that I love when it comes to design: fonts, logos, layouts, great concepts -- that carries further over into industrial design and interior design as well for me. With that comes a long time love addiction with the worst fiscal hobby ever – automobiles. There was once a day that I (and my wife respectively) was "fast and furious" and with that came a extrinsic love, not only for all things fast, but a deep appreciation for the design of transportation as a whole. This site's a great read and hits a lot of hot spots.Linkedin "Answers" –
Much like Aarvark's website, Linkedin "Answers" are a bit more custom tailored to your particular interests. All you need to do is search topics or drive down a bit into an applicable category that you contain expertise in and away you go. Believe it or not, it can be a great place to meet like-minded companies, create leads and get answers published as content. I've seen many a reporter/writer aggregating content for their materials there.Mashable –
I should call this site "the Mothership." It's like one-stop shopping for all things current and topical in multiple industries and hits my interested square in the head with a hammer! From Social Media to viral to development and mobile, they have great writers that are very aggressive. It's no wonder this site is at the top of the heap and will stay their if they don't get greedy or lazy.MediaPost –
From the mothership to the Costco of content – Media Post has a ton of stuff. But like Costco, I don't always need a 5 gallon drum of peanut butter or a barrel of rice. With that said, if you take the time to sort all of Media Post's RSS feeds and make them their own page, you can drink from the firehose with a great amount of success.Smashing Magazine –
For the designer/developer, this is very much your It's an awesome accumulation of great inspirationally-driven posts with long lists of visual examples to not only talk and discuss design and developmental trends, but show them in practical application. This site is a must -- even if you're not a designer, it's a great read.The Social Path –
I was fortunate in my career to work for an agency named Luckie & Co. in Birmingham Alabama. Among their richly talented staff was a small but able social department headed up by David Griner. David and the team at Luckie have had enormous success in their social campaigns and between he and David Stutts at, they can provide a great deal of valuable FREE insight. Additionally, they're both a big fans of plagerism of their work, so I would highly advocate you copy and paste anything they have to say and claim it as your own.Wired –
If you've never picked up a Wired magazine, then you're either totally uninterested in the technology/scientific culture or you're just a hater of all things nerdy and cool. That being said, Wired, as we all know, has on the forefront of technology content since its first publish date in March of '93.