Welcome to a creative mind: I’m Justice Mitchell, a Creative Director and marketing specialist passionate about sharing insights into education, marketing, and design to inspire and empower. Through these articles, I aim to educate, inform, and spark ideas that help others grow their skills and understanding. This blog also serves as my portfolio, showcasing my work and approach. I invite you to connect with me here or through my social media channels. I look forward to actively listening to you and continuing our conversations!

Advertising, Business, Social Media, Trends Justice Mitchell Advertising, Business, Social Media, Trends Justice Mitchell

50 Shades of Digital Marketing Gray


Something we don’t talk about much in interactive marketing is what's broken or perhaps on its deathbed. 

Regular readers know I have a severe case of #FOMO about my industry and its insanely ascending evolution. As if that isn’t enough to keep my mind in overdrive, I am the same way about technology, trends, tactics and strategies that might have outlived their usefulness - or are ready for an overhaul.

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Advertising, Business, Interactive, Process, Social Media Justice Mitchell Advertising, Business, Interactive, Process, Social Media Justice Mitchell

2013 Marketing Predictions For The Rest Of Us

Pour a steaming mug of hot cocoa and drop in a handful of marshmallows, kids! It's that special time of year when Justice takes a look at the many facets of branding, marketing, social media, cultural trends and related offshoots, and tries to sound smart by prognosticating on what we can look forward to in 2013.
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Applications, Content, Trends Justice Mitchell Applications, Content, Trends Justice Mitchell

Diary of a Trend Stalker: Gut Shot

Now that we've covered the basic methods of identifying topics, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty. This can be tough work, but I don’t mind getting a little messy. I’m like the Mike Rowe of trend hunting – but without the contract to pimp Ford trucks. Maybe you have a gut feeling about something that might be a trend. Before you unleash your mind-dazzling observations on the community, put a little more thought into exactly WHY you think it is a trend. There's a very fine line between a genuine trend and the herd mentality of mass adoption.
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Content, Process, Research, Trends Justice Mitchell Content, Process, Research, Trends Justice Mitchell

Diary of a Trend Stalker: The Weapons

Where would Bruce Springsteen be without his trusty blonde Telecaster? What would Annie Leibovitz do without her camera? How could Elmer Fudd hunt Bugs Bunny without his shotgun? Whether you are a rock star, a celebrity photographer, a cartoon archenemy … or a trend hunter – you need the right weapon to get the job done. We already established that everyone is a trend hunter to some extent. But your level of success depends on the time, tenacity and tools that you bring to the table.
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Webinar: eTips 2012 Trend Report

I'm very excited. I woke up to find this morning that my webinar, that I presented yesterday, made the cover of slideshare! We've admittedly created a nice body of good content here. I'd highly recommend you sift through the decks of your specific interests, give em' a look and give me your feedback! Enjoy!
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Design, Research, Soapbox, Trends Justice Mitchell Design, Research, Soapbox, Trends Justice Mitchell

Diary of a Trend Stalker: Chapter One

Every day I wake up, look in the mirror and marvel at the gorgeous physical specimen staring back at me. I soak it all in and think about how lucky my wife is to have me. Then I shake off the remnants of that final pre-alarm dream and take another look at the disheveled guy with unruly red locks and badass Jedi boxers. That’s when I see the 40-year-old father of a 4-year-old daughter, a husband, and a friend to what seems to be an endless array of people. I am blessed with innumerable online "F3s" (friends, fans and followers) with whom I feel the need to connect in some way. I also feel hopelessly out of touch.
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Justice Mitchell's Final 2012 Predictions: Part Three

I know, I know, I know – I'm making your brain hurt. But not only is there a lot of stuff coming online in 2012, I also anticipate a big push into a lot of new technologies and behaviors. So without further ado, here's my final list of what to look for in the new year:
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What Was "Most Contagious" About 2011?

Hi. My name is Justice, and I'm FOMO. This means I have a "fear of missing out." This affliction causes me to be “cool hunting” at all times as I try to stay on top of what's breaking in creativity. Think of it like petting the cat in “Dune” to get the serum that will maintain my life. Stupid. Dear Lord, did I really just type that?
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Advertising, Business, Entertainment, News, Social Media Justice Mitchell Advertising, Business, Entertainment, News, Social Media Justice Mitchell

Justice Mitchell's 2012 Predictions: Part One

The Future is Now! (I’m not saying it’s a great headline – but I needed to have something there or it makes me a little nuts ;) Anyone who ever sat down over a cup of coffee or bottle of wine with me knows I can wax philosophical over design and technology trends until your ears bleed. I LIVE for this shit, people! I’ve been grinding on a number of different items lately, and it’s time to put it all out there. I based some of these on my own gut feelings. I cited and referenced others, then supplemented with my own take on how "it" will affect us. What you read here is my own interpretation. I’m not engaging in product placement or service promotion, and my current employers influence none of this.
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Fashion Cents, Technology, Trends Justice Mitchell Fashion Cents, Technology, Trends Justice Mitchell

Part One: Things That Suck Now That Didn't Use To

Here's a little list* that I complied of things that I think are not nearly as good as the past two (even three) decades. This is of course my opinion, but it's my blog so piss off. But seriously the "craft" of so many things has just failed us as a society, as we readily are willing to digest any crap because we're to lazy to make anything better
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